Who Gives In?

How often have you found yourself in the midst of a disagreement or argument thinking, ” I’ll have to give in to put an end to this”? The very thought of that places a knot in our stomach because our ego is completely unattuned to taking backward steps. The notion of giving in is considered weak throughout most societies, so we blithely carry on regardless of the pain we are putting ourselves, and others through.

To watch this unfold from a distance, is to bear witness to the unravelling of insanity. Why do we punish ourselves in such a way, without ever giving thought to the way it makes us feel?

Our ego is the cause of the immense amount of pain and hardship we endure throughout our lives, sadly, often on a daily basis. Take a moment, an hour or a day, to observe how often your ego causes a negative reaction when it encounters a situation it deems unpalatable. You will be amazed at how reactive it is and how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

By placing happiness as your primary goal in life, you can open up an opportunity to study, understand and rebuke your ego, allowing yourself to step through your life on a neutral footing. When you aren’t being offended by every minute happening throughout your day, you find yourself on a peaceful, harmonious and loving plane, open to whatever unfolds around you. You remain anchored by happiness and joy, which we know is contagious, and you can implement change within your surrounds, in this manner.

Stay alert to the opportunity to extinguish the next disagreement or argument through denying your ego it’s opportunity. You haven’t given in, you’ve outplayed a devious opponent.


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