The Positive Choice

As I write, the rain lashing the window is accompanied by a fresh cold breeze, heralding the onset of winter. I’m reminded of that move away from early summer morning swims, salty misted sea spray tangled with heat haze, and the late evening walks inhaling the aromas of tropical seasonal plants in full blossom.

Cold temperatures interspersed with incessant rain have the ability to impact our moods in a variety of ways. Often it presents as a depressive state, which if permitted, can impact our entire day. That adds up to a prolonged period of feeling down if you happen to reside in a cold climate area of high rainfall.

Realising that the manner in which we view inclement weather or annoying disruptions is linked to our perception of these situations, affords us the opportunity to make change to our imbedded patterns of thought. We, as humans, have an incredible ability to make choices that can significantly alter our mindset, and therefore create positive outcomes for both ourselves, and those surrounding us.

The next time the weather turns bleak and threatens to impact your day in some way, practice changing the way you view the situation. Rain has an incredibly positive effect on our environment and is the basis for our survival, and this needs to be recognised and internally celebrated. Find the beauty in these moments and you will find a complete change in your emotions and thought processes.

Positivity is a choice, make it your choice.

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