The Happiness Principle

There wouldn’t be too many day’s pass that we don’t check in on our happiness gauge to determine whether our lives are living up to our lofty expectations.
It’s my guess that many of us wouldn’t achieve a 50-50 ratio of good to bad day’s if an accurate measurement was available, yet we seem determined to accept that it’s just the way life goes.
I often ask this question to clients. “If we look at the beauty that surrounds us on this planet, from oceans to mountains and rainforests to desert landscapes, why would you believe that this was not created for us to enjoy, to celebrate and to extract joy from?”
Does it not seem plausible that our destiny has always been to roam this planet in a euphoric state, our senses being tantalized by the sights, smells and sounds we encounter and by the intimate relationships we create?
So why then do we accept negativity, anxiety and depression over our authentic happiness and contentment? The answer lies in our inability to remove ourselves from our past thoughts or future thinking. To reside in the past or future is to remove ourselves from our true reality, the present moment, where all living occurs.
Life Path Academy offers a program designed to shift your mindset from the negative to the positive, the past to the present and to ensure you find as much joy in the rain as you do in sunshine. Live in the present moment, be in the now…it’s key to living the life you were destined for.

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