Self Awareness

How often, if ever, do you take the time to self check your thoughts and feelings to gauge your emotional health?
It’s intriguing that human intelligence fails to provide us with a clear reminder notice to undertake routine maintenance on our thoughts and feelings, our emotional status and our spiritual awareness, which are all so critical to our overall health.
Without second thought we service our vehicles, technological equipment, whitegoods and sporting equipment, but barely acknowledge our mental and spiritual health until we find ourselves in traumatic times. Unfortunately these are the hardest times to undertake a self awareness scan, although they can undoubtedly provide a turning point in our awareness of consciousness and become a catalyst for change to alleviate our suffering.
By becoming more self aware, we become mindful of the various facets related to good health, including our physical and mental condition. Exercise, mindful eating, gratitude practice and positive thought are all areas that we as a society need to be better at.
Changing your life to the positive is as simple as changing your mind. Start NOW…

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