Losing Our Way

Is it just me, or are others feeling that this amazing planet on which we reside, is facing unmitigated destruction due to the delusional and egotistical mindsets of a number of world leaders? I am constantly astounded by comments from people who should strive to function at the highest level possible, displaying the most ordinary of human traits, to further their ambitions of grandeur, at the expense of all others.

I say delusional because there is no other way to describe the actions of those who feel it is their right to take what they want, regardless of the cost or consequence of their actions, to the detriment of all others. The gift we receive in being born into the human race is not one which we are entitled to waste or treat with disdain, nor one that elevates us above others.

To immerse yourself in the wonder and beauty of this incredible planet allows us to feel the insignificance of our individual self, yet at the same time creates a feeling of invincibility when standing atop a mountain or swimming in the vastness of an ocean. The emotion that envelops us during an intimate interaction with nature is a privilege we receive through the human experience. It is a joy that we alone absorb, and one that allows us to feel significant.

How then do we feel entitled to be the destroyer of such magnificence? If we take a moment to realise how reliant we are upon each other to navigate our way through each day, we would see the futility and insanity of such actions. Think about how many people are involved in the process of providing us with a meal, clothing, shelter or health care and you soon realise how interdependent we are upon each other. We are a race that was created to support each other for the benefit of all, without exclusion. To think otherwise is a sure sign that we are rapidly losing our way. We must lift our game and it begins with respect.

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