Break Through Self Limiting Thoughts

Statement’s such as “I could never do that,” “I am really not that capable” or “I wouldn’t stand a chance” are constantly uttered to me whilst assisting Life Path Academy clients to recognise a lack of, and in turn develop, self esteem.
In fact, if you take time to truly listen and observe, I firmly believe that comments of such a nature are so commonplace in daily conversations, that we actually fail to notice them or the tone that they are offered in.
A defeatist attitude, a dissolution of confidence and a bleak outlook of life in general have pervaded society for centuries. If combined with the side or after effects of stimulants such as drugs and alcohol, we are left with an erosion of our self worth, and are often unable to see beyond the murkiness that appears to surround us.
These self limiting thoughts chain us to suffering and drain the energy required to establish a change in outlook.
Learning to identify this mindset requires our honed attention. It requires us to stay awake and to become aware of the signals as they arise, to alert us to alter our thinking.
This is an inherent skill that needs to be relearnt and constantly practiced, one so precious that it will add incredible value to your overall health, and should never be ignored.

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