Our Incredible Breath

The pace at which our lifestyle has increased over just the past 5 decades through technological, industrial, recreational and health advancement has outstripped our physical and emotional ability to adapt to these changes.
I’m sure we have all stated at some point that we don’t know where our time goes and that the years appear to be passing by at an ever-increasing rate.
The more we feel we are falling behind, the more unsettled we become, and our anxiety levels rise. When we are unsure how to control these levels, we unhinge and cast our emotional negativity to all and sundry, but particularly to our children.
Whilst we would never intentionally harm our children, we remain blind to this emotional net we cast, and this can have devastating impacts on our children’s emotional state for their entire lives.
Eastern cultures have remained light years ahead of the West in their ability to understand the physical, emotional and spiritual state of our bodies and adopt myriad methods to repel, counter or repair the various blockages and diseases that occur in a polluted system.
Our simplest and most effective control measure is through the use of controlled breathing. Breathing influences the bodies bioelectric balance similarly to how food influences the biochemical balance.
Through our breath we cleanse and energise our bodies and through controlled breathing we are able to calm the “action” circuits of our parasympathetic nervous system which aids in bringing our emotions under conscious control. Added benefits are immense and includes the heightening of our mental awareness, thought, memory and other mental faculties, improved sleep, digestion and metabolism amongst numerous others.
The ” Ice Man”, Wim Hoff has achieved incredible feats through the use of controlled breathing to allow him to withstand the harshest of frozen environments, clad in nothing more than a pair of shorts, for hours at a time.
His exploits are used to promote the incredible power of the mind, body and spirit through breathwork.
Feeling uneasy? Learn to breath, again…

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