Comfortable in Your Own Space

When I originally began to travel solo for business or leisure, I would ultimately find myself confronted with the decision of whether to dine alone or opt for a takeout that would save having to make a choice.
I imagine most have gone through the process where that never ending voice in our head goads us into believing we will stand out in the crowd if we choose to dine alone in a restaurant or cafe.
Have you sacrificed the opportunity to try a new venue, having heard great reviews, but couldn’t coerce yourself into dining alone?
I have heard countless people state that they would or do feel very uncomfortable in such a situation and would forgo an opportunity until they could be accompanied, thus avoiding any perceived scrutiny.
I guess these days it is a little easier to hide behind a phone or tablet, whereas I would often take a book with me to read whilst waiting to eat.
If we are confident in our own skin, if we understand that we must take the power over our thought processes, then we go a long way to eliminating the discomfort our egoic mind produces.
Mindful thought is essential in allowing you to find comfort in your own space.
The realisation that you are good enough just as you are, at this very moment, and in every moment, creates a powerful base to practice mindful thought.
You are an integral component of this amazing planet, start celebrating and enjoying that fact.

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