Why Worry?

The American Institute of Stress reports 120,000 people die every year as a direct result of work- related stress, with an additional healthcare cost for work related stress averaging $190 billion a year. These staggering figures are very rarely reported, and whilst employers must provide a duty of care to employees, there is little to no training for workers in learning to manage this insidious state.
In asking ourselves this simple question, “when was the last time worrying resolved an issue for me”, we may shed some light onto the futility of allowing ourselves to continually fall into this destructive spiral.
When we allow negative thoughts to run wild, we create immense tension within our nervous system, resulting in a plethora of physical symptoms that may cause pain or illness.
Through a lack of mind control, we open ourselves to a world of hardship, and all unnecessarily so.
Indicators of stress include aches and pains, racing heart or chest pain, exhaustion, headaches and dizziness, high blood pressure, muscle tension, insomnia and sexual dysfunction.
When we learn to adhere to practical thought and present moment awareness, we begin to suffocate the presence of mindlessness, which forms the basis of stress.
Why worry? It does absolutely nothing to solve a situation but steals so much from us from a health perspective.
Life is a blessing, find joy in every moment.

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