Acceptance Without Judgement

Throughout our day we find ourselves faced with a multitude of situations that evoke both physical and emotional reactions within us, but rarely do we give thought to the mechanism behind this. An almost involuntary reaction occurs that is often driven by ego, resulting in feelings of disharmony if the current situation is perceived as detrimental to us in any way.

We all have a tendency to view situations or events as good or bad based on our preconceived sets of rules or guidelines, all of which determine a physical or emotional response. Most of these rules or guidelines are ego based and therefore are destined to result in feelings of happiness or unhappiness.

If we are to consider a scenario where the situation may be deemed as unsavoury to us, yet proves satisfying to someone else, we should ask the question, “How can a situation or outcome be good for one but bad for another, yet it is the same situation?”

The answer lies in the fact that we as humans, continuously make judgements on everything that may potentially have an impact upon us, unfortunately to our detriment. By deeming something as good or bad, is to judge it. Without this judgement, it remains purely a situation or event that occurs every minute, of everyday of our lives. When we learn to accept life and all it embodies without making judgements upon it, we free ourselves from the endless suffering that we have come to accept as “the norm”. Acceptance without judgement, make it your new mantra.

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