The Ability To Deal With Stress

The ability to deal with the stress and anxiety that our day-to-day life serves up to us is something that we rarely give thought to. As pressure rises in our unconscious minds we react on both an emotional and physical level, often resulting in aggressive or confrontational behaviour, or alternatively, depression.

The outcomes over time are extremely damaging to both our physical and mental health. Many of us live with this pressure daily whether that is through our personal relationships, our working environment, or the mindsets we hold through retaining painful memories.

Understanding that we came into this world with the tools to navigate all the complexities that life presents is not something that we readily allow ourselves to focus on. Often these harrowing traits are so fully engrained over time that we build our lives around them, believing that this is just the way it is, and we must learn to live with them.

The opportunity to show people that this is certainly not the case is something I cherish, and to witness firsthand the moments when clients begin to “get it”, to grasp the concepts of mindful thinking and living, is incredibly rewarding.

I am so passionate about authentic living and the benefits it provides us in navigating life in general that I can’t hold back from sharing these virtues with whomever I find myself in conversation with.

Having dealt with the same personal tragedies and heartbreak that confront many of us throughout our lives, I was driven to find a path of least suffering. Through constant education and practice over a long period of time, I’ve discovered and developed my own way of travelling life’s path in a manner that offers joy and gratitude, and it will be my pleasure to share my knowledge with you.

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